Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

English version | Българска версия


Our TTO commercializes technology developed at the University of Sofia. However, our TTO is also committed to creating an innovative and entrepreneurial campus. As a result, we help student entrepreneurs even when their Intellectual Property is not owned by the university.

Here are a few ways we help students. We:

  • Help identify funding resources, classes and programs on campus;
  • Help with the procedures of opening a company or organization;
  • Offer feedback on student-initiated business ideas;
  • Use experienced students as "consultants" of special projects;
  • Offer staff who guest lecture on startups, technology commercialization, licensing, and intellectual property to both classes and organizations;
  • Using the conference room of the TTO for educational purposes

Our TTO is committed to promoting and creating an environment that helps start, establish and grow technology ventures. We place available technology in classes and work with student-initiated ventures.